miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017

A collaborative activity

Thinking about results.

This activity is part of the project draft Scientific Aquariophilia. To know more about this project enter here.


Teachers will set the students in teams of 4 from 2 different partner schools.
Each team will be asigned with an enviromental factor (hours of light, temperature, pH of water, food given, ...) and one or more of the species used in the schools aquariums in previous fases of the project.
The number of species asigned will depend on the number of total species used, the number of pupils and the number of partner schools involved.

Teachers will provide the "Materials" section of the TwinSpace of each team with a database file with all the data collected in previous fases of the project concerning the grouth and survival of the specie/s and factor of breeding asigned.

Student teams have to study their data, using Google Spreadsheet to make charts and statistical calculations of their election in order to find any correlation among the figures. Students will talk each other and make decisions about their work using the "Chat room" or the "Video Conference" tool of their TwinSpace.
This work will be done under the supervision of Mathematics teachers, although the students should feel free to work with their data as they would prefer.

After that, students teams will discuss and make together hypothesis that may explain the results and charts, using as well the "Chat room" or the "Video Conference" tool of their TwinSpace.
This work will be done under the supervision of Biology teachers, although the students should be encouraged to be creative.

Finally students teams will use Google Docs to write a collaborative paper explaining their results, adding their charts and presenting their hypothesis.


Teachers will use the next evaluation rubric, using the values "improvable", "good" and "excellent":

  • Quality and clarity of the charts
  • Coherence of the charts and staticstic results
  • Coherence of the hypothesis
  • Power of the hypothesis to explain the results
  • Quality and clarity of the paper
  • Collaborative work with the other partner school students

In the delay asigned all student teams will be able to improve their works in order to get better values.

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